What is Lattice trying to build and achieve?

Lattice is building full stack, from games and worlds to infrastructure and tools to make autonomous worlds a reality.

Our goal is to take blockchain applications beyond just finance and speculation, to encompass playful use-cases such as games, virtual worlds, P2P consumer apps and social relationships. We want to transition Ethereum from a financial computer to its original ambition as the World Computer.

Our most major software contribution so far is MUD. MUD is an onchain operating system for Ethereum. It is built as a micro-kernel, with its core module being an embedded relational database that replaces the traditional storage model of Ethereum. All of MUD is onchain and runs on the EVM.

On the hardware side, we built Redstone, a home for autonomous worlds. It's a Plasma-inspired L2 that is designed from the ground up to make onchain worlds accessible, scalable, and cheap. Learn more about Redstone here and here.

We have also built Sky Strife, an experimental, fully onchain real-time strategy game that is live on Redstone.

You can read more about our history here to get a full picture of what we’ve worked on so far.

That sounds like an ambitious goal, what traction do you already have?

Since the release of MUD in 2022:

A community of builders has quickly organized itself around MUD and Redstone, and the prospect of building large applications on Ethereum.

We are pioneering a new product category within crypto — Autonomous Worlds — that developers are rallying behind. We are uniquely positioned to enable crypto’s transition from a financial technology to a new computing paradigm. Just as the internet went from limited use-cases within academia to encompass every facet of our daily life, we have a chance to bring Ethereum beyond finance.

What’s special about working at Lattice?

If you are up for the challenge, working at Lattice can be exhilarating.

Lattice is a real “full stack” crypto company. Our product development reaches across the entire crypto stack - from what we call hardware (chains / execution layer / L2s — anything that runs the EVM), over software (onchain operating systems, EVM frameworks, tooling), to applications (onchain games and worlds).

Working at Lattice means working on the cutting edge of what’s possible with blockchain technology and being a founding member of a new industry.

We were the first to put ECS onchain, which since has become the industry standard for onchain gaming. We then went one step further and put relational databases onchain. For this we rolled out our own onchain storage engine with dynamic schema definitions (as opposed to compile-time schemas in vanilla Solidity).

In 2022 we put Minecraft onchain, just to see if we could do it. We needed a pure function mapping each coordinate to a terrain type, so we rolled out our own high performance Perlin noise implementation in Solidity and WebAssembly and used it to implement the most advanced closed-form procedural terrain generation algorithm we know of.

More recently, we announced Redstone, and launched the Redstone Holesky testnet, which is already seeing builders and activity.

We are a very small team of highly efficient engineers and operators, have a low bureaucratic overhead and are focused on shipping code to production. We maintain short cycles that makes code we write reach a strong grass root community of developers almost immediately.

How does Lattice navigate complex decisions?

We’re a mission-driven team, and we believe in:

  • Open source — Open Source at the core of our software output; no business source license and other shenanigans
  • Operator owned — A company owned by its operators and employees
  • Community native — We are as good and creative as the community we foster
  • Ethereum aligned — Aligned with the Ethereum ecosystem, protocol, and technology
  • Intellectually honest — Truth-seeking at all cost

A core piece of writing underpinning our philosophy for the future of Ethereum is captured in the Autonomous Worlds essay by ludens, our co-founder.